Monday, November 10, 2014

Decisions Gone Awry

Last post on Dewpetals Diligence (rather ironic now) 2012. Last post on dewpetals whimsey 2011. What in the world has happened in my world?!

Well, I decided to drive.

When one decides not to wait on God, one can't complain about the outcome.  I went to work. Homeschooling was stopped, personal growth stopped, creativity was stifled. However, I was successful in my job. I poured my heart and soul into that job. I loved it. But...

I missed home. I missed raising my children, I missed managing my home, I have missed my relationship with Jesus.

So, things have changed, as they do when you cry out to God for help. I am coming home.

Coming home will allow me the time to start focusing on our unhealthy lifestyle. I'm tired of worrying about the antibiotics and toxins in our foods, I'm tired of worrying about toxins leeching out of plastics, and I'm tired of pumping medicine and steroids into my frequently sick children. I am going to find more natural options. I want my family's focus to be about healthy, natural, Christian living. I want my family to grow in their relationship with Jesus.

Personally, I haven't brought forth fruit since going to work and it has impacted my family. I have been a poor example. Its time to turn all that around.

Next post at dewpetals whimsey...Turning It Around