Planner Pages
Personal Planner
I've used an ARC disc planner for a couple of years now. I started with the typical BUJO but I didn't like flipping through trying to find stuff or the fact it was so permanent. When I tired of drawing everything out I began using Publisher to design my pages. I send these to Staples and have them print true to size. I trim and hole punch them at home. This has been the best layout that I've used the longest.
Ambleside Online
This was our Ambleside Online planner page for Years 2 & 4.(from many moons ago)
My OLD Chore chart with AO subjects. Need to make a new one.
School Helps
My youngest has beautiful script but now it's time to start shrinking it down! I made these sheets with just the right line width for his 4th grade handwriting/copywork. I try to type in the copywork selection and print them out once a week.History
This is an old form I pulled together a few years ago. I recently added ADEs history cycles. It's useful for those trying to decide what history to use.This form was a huge help while covering the 1800s. I referred to it often!