Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Middle School Science

Since Apologia didn't work out like I hoped, I allowed my daughter to join in with her brother's science as a holdover until I found something better. At the time my 5th grader was using God's Design from Masterbooks. It covers 5th - 8th but the topics weren't "general" enough for my 8th grader. An entire term is dedicated to one subject and the lessons themselves, were too short for the information being taught.

My main goal is to cover some gaps in her sciences before starting high school. I wanted something narrative, with occasional experiments, that would fit a "general science" requirement. We all ready covered earth science with living books rather thoroughly during physical geography.

I wasn't to concerned with biology since the plan is for her to take it in 9th grade. However, she is participating in labs this year and I wanted her familiar with the material. So, she's currently reading Tiner's "Biology" book to meet that need, and really enjoying it! The text is interesting and actually covers quite a bit of the major topics.

Since she is already reading biology and scheduled to read physics, I decided to take a look at the rest of Tiner's series. We are adding chemistry and astronomy to the list.  I couldn't have asked for anything more perfect. These are short enough to finish over the school year but have the breadth and depth I was looking for!


          Ready-to-Use Science Proficiency Lessons & Activities: 8th Grade Level

Turns out, while I was at a library book sale I stumbled across a "Ready-to-use Science Proficiency Lessons and Activities" guide for 8th grade. It has been the perfect addition to round out Tiner's books. After reading some reviews on Amazon, I am pre-reading the worksheets to ensure these do not state anything more than the facts being taught.

To help drive home a few of the lessons I added some interesting YouTube videos. One particular set that I really like is produced by the Amoeba Sisters. They've only covered biology so far but I'm hoping they will make more for when my youngest is ready.

This "plan" is evolving as we progress. We've already covered physical/earth science and we are currently covering biology. I will add the other books as we come to them.

8th Grade General Science
Exploring the World of Biology, Tiner (14 chapters)
  1. Beginning classification, plants, fungi, yeasts, molds, pasteurization
  2. Microscope, simple and complex organisms, paramecium, protozoa, amoeba, euglena, algae, diatoms, bacteria, anaerobic, virus
  3. Classification System
  4. Plants, purpose, structure, life span, seeds, spread of seed, vegetative reproduction, spores, photosynthesis
  5. Food for energy, carbohydrates, glucose molecules, fats, hormones, insulin, proteins
  6. Digestion process beginning with teeth, through stomach, to small intestine, taste (tongue & taste buds)
  7. Plant Inventors-Luther Burbank, George Washington Carver, George de Mestral, land stripping, legumes & nitrogen
  8. Insects, classification, structure, life cycles, Jean Henri Fabre, metamorphosis, Louis Pasteur & silkworm disease
  9. Arachnids, structure, webs, behavior, molting
  10.  Classification of life in water, fish anatomy, fish respiration, lateral line, Jules Verne, Jacques Cousteau, diving, amphibians-structure & respiration, life cycle
  11. Reptiles, body temperature, reproduction, snakes-bites, structure, detecting prey, venomous snakes, lizards-structure, life cycle, habitats
  12. Birds, structure, life cycle, migration, beaks, food, digestion, John Audubon
  13. Mammals, traits, structure, reproduction, variety in size, carnivores, rodents, cats, sheep, elephants
  14. Fossils, primitive humans, Darwin, fluorine dating, frauds, hoaxes
Biology Labs & Videos

Plants- Structure and Function (video)
 Cellular Respiration (video)
 Lesson 73: Photosynthesis p. 325-328, Handwerker's book

Cells- Types, Structures, Functions
Prokaryotic Cells vs. Eukaryotic Cells-
                   Amoeba Sisters(video)
                             Prokaryotic Cells vs Eukaryotic handout at TpT      

          Introduction to Cells: The Grand Cell Tour
                             Amoeba Sisters (video)
                             Cell Structure (CGI)
                             Identify and Color animal and plant cell structures worksheet from TpT
                             Complete Cell Structure worksheet Les. 75 in Handwerker’s book

          Cell Division: Mitosis-
                             Amoeba Sisters (video) Mitosis
                             Complete Mitosis Les. 76 worksheet in Handwerker’s book
          Cell Types & Cell Theory-
                             Purple Onion Peel cells under microscope
                             Onion Cells 40x and 400x
                             Cheek Cells
                             Cheek Cells vs. Onion Cells
                             Bacteria, Protist, Plant Cell and Animal Cell microscope
                             Introduction to Cell Theory

Specialized Cells: Significance, Examples, Organization
                   Amoeba Sisters video
                             Read Specialized Cells
                             Complete Body Cell Matching sheet and add to notebook
                             Levels of Organization “Cornell Notes” presentation (read slides 3-12)

Labs Completed w/Co-op (Apologia)
Mod 1/Exp 1.2          Introduction to a Compound Microscope
Mod 2/Exp 2.2          Kingdom Monera: Pond Life B
Mod 3/Exp 3.1          Kingdom Protista: Pond Life C
Mod 3/Exp 3.2          Subkingdom Protozoa: A & C
Mod 3/Exp 3.3          Subkingdom Algae: B
Mod 4/Exp 4.2          Yeast and the Fermentation Process
Mod 6/Exp 6.1          Animal Cell Anatomy
Mod 7/Exp 7.2          Mitosis

Big Bang, Fossil Record, Evolution, & Natural Selection
This has been the hardest topic to cover for my middle schooler. I found some short video clips (longest is 4 minutes) and articles for her to read. I have to keep reminding myself this is introduction only and that she will cover these topics more in-depth later in high school. 

I will continue to edit and add to this post as we progress in our year....