I've always felt it but had tried so many times to ignore it. You know, that feeling you're supposed to be doing something but you don't really want to.
When Sister was born, my first thought was to enjoy the first few years at home with her and then head back into the workforce once she started school. I actually did work for a little while there, and she actually made it through PreK and K in a public school. I had made many plans before I finally started listening to the Holy Spirit.
My husband and I prayed and prayed. Finally, at the end of Sister's Kindergarten year we believed it was time to keep her home. We might have actually let her stay another couple of years had it not been for all the drastic changes our school system put into place. Praise God, He has a way of getting us to where we need to be no matter which out of the way route we tend to take.
With the decision made now we had to choose curriculum. I thought I wanted something all laid out for me, neat and tidy, lesson plans, activities--a boxed curriculum. That was perfect! Or so I thought. Once I got it and started "reviewing" it that little feeling came back again. I just wasn't at peace. I didn't understand, it was exactly what I had wanted all along. Well, at least it didn't take me 5 years this time to figure out God had other plans.
And that brings us to where we are today. The Lord has been so good to us. He put into our hands AmblesideOnline. It's a free curriculum, rich with literature and history. Of course, we have made a couple of changes. Trial and Triumph was a bit much for our young, newly saved 6 year old. We also changed the history just a tad. In place of Our Island Story, we will use the Bible, and A Child's History of the World. We want our children to understand history is exactly that, HIStory.
I will post our exact curriculum over the next few posts.
Ultimately, we want to encourage their hunger for learning while building a solid foundation for their faith. This blog will log our journey. It will be a place for us to store our ideas, curriculum, successes and even our failures. Failures are only steps toward success.