Monday, July 30, 2012

Officially Started School Today

July 30 has started our schooling. We sent Daddy off to work and got started around 12 noon. Not bad for a first day! We didn't go exactly in the order I had planned out but that's okay. I wanted Sister to be excited about her day and to feel like she had some control over it. 

After our family devotional, her and her brother were jumping up and down begging to start with Spanish. Today isn't even an official Spanish day but I couldn't deny them. We started off with Salsa, added some phrases afterward and practiced all day. Our phrases we learned today were, "Buenos dias, buenos tardes, and buenos noches." We reviewed "hola, hasta luego, grande, and pequeno." I think they had great fun!

Charlotte Mason recommends scheduling courses in such a way that your not repeating to many things in row. So, after the movie we moved into World History and read Chapter One from a "Child's History of the World" (CHOW). We began at the beginning with creation and Sister narrated the chapter back after I finished reading. 

Next, she practiced writing the letter L today. No more than 10 minutes for this exercise so perfection is expected. She did beautifully. When she tried to write in other things her writing left a lot to be desired, so this will take lots of practice.

We read a poem written by Robert Louis Stevenson while we ate soup for lunch. Afterward, we moved into a phonics review of short vowels. We flipped through the pages of her workbook and I asked her to say the word for the picture and to identify the short vowel missing from the word. She did well, missing only 2 of the vowels.

After phonics I was to read "The Sword of Damocles" but I was worried about mutilating the language so we listened to that one on the computer through a wonderful website called Libvox. Once that was done I read Aesop's Fables, "The Wolf and the Kid." I didn't require narration after either one of these. However, they did come up in conversation on the way to the library later in the day and over at Mommew's (grandma's) house.

I'm not sure if I will let her color during the readings anymore. It seems the stories where she only listened were better remembered than the ones where she colored while I read. So tomorrow we will just try a different approach with the readings and make sure there are no other distractions.

We wrapped everything up with Math and outside play. I was surprised she did so well with her math but very thankful at the same time. It was about 3:30 when we finally finished with everything. I give the glory to God and continue to ask that He fills in the gaps that I missed.