Friday, August 3, 2012

"You mean I have to go outside??"

Well, today was the day! Nature study, going out and observing God's creation in 89% humidity, oh me! 

Sister decided she wanted to study Daddy's new Pin Oak he planted this year. Earlier this summer something ate most of its leaves, that would have been a good study! We think it was some sort of beetle. 

In any case, getting back on topic, we took pictures, collected a leaf and observed the bark. Sister spotted a firefly and we took note of the sounds around us.

Actually, Sister took the pictures. You can see her finger there in the pic. I took a better one fingerless one but thought since this was about her nature journal and not mine I should actually use her photos.

We did a quick internet search on fireflies and found out they are actually a member of the beetle family.

At first Sister couldn't hear anything around her. Then finally she heard what she called crickets. After we did a little research, we decided what we actually heard were Katydids.

You can click here to start or stop the sound we heard today. 

After our time outside, Sister completed her journal page and we added it to her big notebook. I think we did pretty good for a first nature study.