Thursday, August 2, 2012

Nifty Planner for Sister

As our day progressed, Sister kept asking me, "What's next? How much do we have left? Can I take a break now?"  I would look through our list of subjects, and dread telling her we really just began.

We certainly don't want to turn her off of school. It must be kept fun. We want to keep her excited and instill in her a desire and motivation to take charge of her own education. Hopefully, when she starts college, she will have no issue with putting into practice all the habits we are trying to teach her. One way we decided to do this is by keeping her involved in the planning of her day. 

We printed all the subjects or books that we are covering this term, taped them to card stock, and then laminated them. Sister helped stick magnets onto them, and we found a white board that was magnetic.

During the day as we complete a subject she slides the card over to the done side. When we are all done for the day, we set the board back up for the next school day. I admit I am one of those that likes to have lists to check off, and I believe that habit might be rubbing off on Sister. In any case, we believe it will help teach her good time management skills.