Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Beginnings 7/21/15

Here we are at the start of another school year. But things are different this year. DD is entering 4th grade and DS is headed for 1st. Exciting in some ways and worrisome in others.

They have done well in the public school system. However, something felt amiss. Their heads stuffed daily with tons of facts, being graded and judged on what they put to paper. The schools being reimbursed based on those grades. Even more worrisome was news of a "health education" curriculum. We believe its the parent's responsibility to determine the time and amount of information their little ones ought to know.

Blessed with the freedom of choice, and living in one of the easier states to homeschool in we have established "Two Pines Academy."

We are very excited. Personally, I am a curriculum junkie and must be careful not to get caught up in all the bells and whistles. My DH and I desire a Biblically sound and Christian focused curriculum. With History at its core and steeped in living books, we want a curriculum that allows our children to develop an understanding of how God initiates and man responds. God and his truth will be glorified in our school, not the achievements of man.

We want to provide our children with an atmosphere/culture of education through relationships. Starting with their relationship with God and extending that into all aspects of their life. Education is more than grades.

Our desires have led us to particular curriculum choices. Charlotte Mason's ideas are inspiring if not overwhelming. We are leaning toward using Ambleside Online. As we dive deeper we have found several options that utilize living books.

One concern I have is covering both grades. I would like to keep the children together in Bible, History, Literature, Geography, Science, Nature, Foreign Language, Art and Music. They would require their grade specific coursework in Math, Narration, Dictation, Copywork, Phonics/Language Arts, and Grammar.

My plan for this blog is to keep a record of what we've done, and things we would like to do. I will post our plan within the next couple of days.