Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Whole Hog!

Here we are! Our third year of home educating the children! We almost didn't make it. I'm so thankful to our merciful Lord who graciously kept us with in His will for our family.

After much prayer we decided to make some changes this year. Until now, we've only felt a need to  incorporate bits and pieces of Charlotte Mason's ideas into our home education program. Her ideas about living books, nature study and narrations were a good fit. But as I've started reading more of Miss Mason's words for myself I've come to realize there's no room, or time, for just sticking my toe in the water. We are going whole hog!

Whole hog is more a mind set or a journey than a destination. As I continue to learn the why, we are also working at implementing the how, in all subjects. It takes time, the learning curve is steep, but with God all things are possible.


Charlotte Mason Soiree
A Delectable Education

Charlotte Mason Soiree
Charlotte Mason Math Together