Tuesday, October 3, 2017

A Delectable Education Consult!

I had my consult yesterday evening! A Delectable Education offers consulting services to help families with their Charlotte Mason Education. I so enjoyed talking with Liz. She has 32 years of homeschool experience under her belt and has a good feel for what moms are going through.

I had my list of questions ready to go, I was so worried I would forget to ask something vital. Liz had it covered though. We opened with general conversation and her asking questions about the kids and where we were at in our journey. Then she got right into the nuts and bolts of things. She apparently had an outline to follow and we discussed all things Charlotte Mason.

I learned a lot in that hour and a half. I realized I make things harder than they need be, that I'm not alone in my journey, and that I need to really work on my own habits!

Liz then passes her notes on to Emily. Emily pulls books and brings all suggestions together into a document, which in turn, is emailed to me. I am so excited! I have no idea how long it will take to get that email, maybe a couple of weeks.

Oh, and another suggestion came in way of scheduling. Liz suggested that we don't school year round. Even Charlotte Mason took breaks. She suggested we school in three 12 week terms and take 4 weeks off between each term! It seems like alot, but it really works out well if you think about it. 36 weeks of school, 12 weeks of breaks and an extra 4 weeks to use during holidays. Brilliant!
