Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Apologia Science was a Bust!

I worked so hard on our Apologia plans, then I showed them to my oldest. She was excited, at first.

After watching the first video it became obvious this wasn't going to work. I thought the videos were great but she couldn't keep up. Even after reading the text, she wasn't enthused. So back to the drawing board I went.

Also, in light of my mother's impending surgery, I realized we really needed a lighter school year. So, I started trimming things from the schedule, seeking out ways to combine them both, and looking for a more open and go approach. That's when I found Master Books! - Where Faith GrowsMaster Books has a Charlotte Mason "flavor" to it but it's all contained within these well written texts WITH teacher's guides!! I so need teacher's guides. We are 5 weeks in and it has been a total game changer. I'll have an updated plan posted soon!