Monday, July 25, 2016

Homeschool and Housekeeping Help

I'm not the worst housekeeper but I'm probably pretty close. Before I had kids life was different, the house was always clean and tidy. Well, a husband, two kids, and a few dogs later life isn't as "tidy."

I have found that if I have a plan in place it helps battle the procrastination and back burner battle. If something isn't urgent or deemed a priority for me I have no issue with putting it on the back burner where it will eventually simmer down to a burnt pot if I'm not careful.

Or there are seasons when I'm just completely overwhelmed and don't even know where to start. I tried Fly Lady for a while, which is a wonderful organizational tool, but I got overwhelmed between trying to "Fly" and trying to homeschool.

Finally, I settled on using a little chart that reminds me to do daily, weekly, and monthly chores. When I follow this guide I actually feel pretty good about the house because I know I'm focusing on those "back burners" at least once every five weeks.

I think it would be neat to have this printed up into a little note pad for ease of use. I could check the chores off as I finish them and once the sheet is done, rip it off and start fresh the very next day!  Oh, that would greatly appease my task oriented character!