Sunday, July 24, 2016

Scope and Sequence at a Glance

I've mentioned in earlier posts how I've found it difficult to envision the big picture with Ambleside. In order to remedy that I started pulling together Scope and Sequence Sheets.

These sheets give me a good overview of our year. As you can see the ones above are personalized for us. We are still trying to decide which Holling C. Holling book we will be using in Y2 because my son has previously read the one required.

These were also created before I decided to combine our Shakespeare and poetry. I will likely choose Y3 poetry and Shakespeare readings to give a good middle of the road between the two students.

The other neat thing about these forms is they tell me which books I still need to purchase and which books we've completed reading at the end of the year. I will keep these forms in our end-of-year file along with each student's 36 week grids from the Ambleside, their attendance record and progress reports should I ever get "audited." Not that they do that in our state but it's still nice to keep up with and will help with transcripts in later years.