Friday, July 29, 2016


Math! It makes me want to pull my hair out. Even though I was worried about teaching my youngest to read, I never found it frustrating. I think part of the problem is the whole memorization thing. Memory work is cumbersome to me. However, one must remember the math facts in order to progress.

I was trying to teach table by table, rote memorization, but it just wasn't working. So, I needed a plan. After we memorize skip counting (Teaching Skip Counting) we will work on adding doubles.

Once doubles are memorized, we will learn the "Near Double Strategy." Hopefully, this will be an easier way for him to recall the facts that are "neighbors" with the doubles.

When working the facts out of order like this I do tend to get lost. So, in order to keep up with what has been learned, I've been using an Addition Fact chart that I made. I highlighted the facts he knows in yellow, the doubles facts he will learn in blue, the "neighbors" in purple, and the cumulative properties in orange. This chart provides me with the "big picture" and it just doesn't seem as overwhelming looking at it this way.

I don't want to get ahead of myself so I will stop planning there. Once we have these facts down I will figure a way to teach the rest. But that's for another post.