Thursday, September 12, 2019

Best Middle School Math Help Ever

I found it! REAL MATH HELP.

Pearson Education operates a website called "Virtual Nerd" and it's fabulous! The site has been around since 2008 but Pearson acquired it in 2013 and expanded upon the creator's already amazing resources.

They cover several courses of math and I see us utilizing this site for many years to come! The entire site has over 1500 videos! Clicking a course, grades 6-8 for example, directs you to their middle school page which has 413 tutorials organized by topic. Pick a topic and you have sub-topics to choose from. The videos are short, clear and to the point. The only thing I need to provide my student are the practice problems.

I feel like I've hit the jackpot and I want to shout from the roof tops "math help is here"! Go and check it out!