Sunday, August 2, 2015

Cursive Handwriting

My husband has beautiful handwriting. His cursive is what I like to lovingly call "old school." Mine on the other hand is pretty much chicken scratch. I don't remember much in the way of classes in school and then I've allowed my years in nursing and the need for speed to make things worse. Not what I want for my children.

I found this older version (copyright 1927-1931) of cursive that resembles my husband's handwriting. His mother sat with him for hours teaching him to write, teaching him exactly how she learned. There are different styles of script now, even within Zaner-Bloser. You can note the differences mostly in the W's, Q's, and R's.

Because I wanted both my children to have plenty of access to this book I decided to scan it into a pdf for later printing. I've already printed the pages and laminated them so both children can use the pages repeatedly. I thought I would share the book here with you too.