Sunday, August 2, 2015

Naming Our School and Logo

It was so much fun naming our school with the kids. I believe it will give them a sense of ownership as they grow and hopefully some fond memories as well.

I sketched the two pines first. I wasn't happy with the results, it was very rough. I thought I would just edit the picture I took in a previous post instead and convert it to a sketch with a phone app. But then I had a light bulb moment! I decided to see what would happen if I took a picture of my sketch and edit it instead. I am very pleased with the results.  I loaded the app picture into Publisher and added the text. So there you have it! Our school name and logo!

Ever the bargain hunter I found out that homeschoolers/educators qualify for discounts. I decided we might need school IDs and decided to make us some. I will redo these with card-stock to make them thicker, but for now I'm happy with these too!