Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Online Support

Sometimes starting something new can be completely overwhelming. Finding someone to share your journey with can be a lifesaver. Partnering up with another newbie is great fun but having a mentor who has been there is an amazing resource too.

In my circle I only know of two people using CM and this is their first year too. But there is this amazing group of people on Facebook, in forums and groups, all online, that is willing to share your journey with you.

A few places I love to frequent are:

AmblesideOnline It's a closed group with nearly 4000 members so far. This is Ambleside Online's "official" fb group. They moderate this group and its purpose is to serve those who are actively using AO in their homeschool or classroom and those interested in learning about AO. (LOVE THIS GROUP!)

Charlotte Mason Homeschoolers Another totally amazing group of nearly 9000 members!! This group strictly supports the traditional CM approach. Its an active and friendly group full of wisdom.

Charlotte Mason Inspired Homeschoolers Is a secret group with a little more than 3000 members. They've had some issues with spammers as of late and are trying to get that under control but its definitely an active group. As the title implies its more for those who aren't strictly CM. They welcome a variety of topics about different curriculum, blogs, apps, so on and so forth.

Marshall County Homeschool Network This is a local group for my county. I post here with the hope that you might find a local group for your area too. This group is really neat because people share local events that might be of interest, they post curriculum for sale, and just general homeschool stuff.

There are some FB groups that strictly sell curriculum too..
Charlotte Mason/Ambleside/ Living Books/USED materials for sale
Used Homeschool Books, Buy, Sell, Trade

Public Domain Books for Homeschooling 
This FB group is really neat because its all out of print, public domain books that can be used in a CM inspired homeschool. Its a non-discussion group and still an amazing resource.

Yahoo Groups are another wonderful resource!!

I will continue this post a later date.....