Sunday, August 23, 2015

Another New Plan

Life is fluid. Apparently, so is our school curriculum. *sigh

Once again, I've noticed there are some things that just aren't working for our family and I'm earnestly praying for the Lord's guidance in how and what changes need making. What's bothering me most is my beloved Ambleside Online history. I want it to work! So much that I incorporated it with Simply Charlotte Mason's Module 1. Well, really I use SCM as our Bible study spine.

However, the more I use SCM the better I like it. But its not just me... the kids really love it. SCM Module 1 covers history, geography and Bible. Sonya Shafer has added several resources to her website to coincide with her modules. One is the activities page for each module. I don't want to lose them so I'm adding them here.

I think (I'm still praying on this one) the Lord is leading me to drop AO history. I will keep 50 Famous Tales, Natural Histories, Literature/Tales, Poetry, and the additional weekly work such as: Nature Study, Timeline, Picture and Composer study, Hymn and Folksong studies, Lifeskills and crafts, and I want to add Virtues.

I've reconsidered our science program too. I want to incorporate a formal science program. We, as a family, have reviewed and really like Jeannie Fulbright's Young Explorers series. The kids want to start off with Zoology I which covers zoology, animal classification, dynamics of flight, birds, bats, prehistoric flying reptiles, and insects from a creation science perspective. Its nice because its geared for K-6, perfect for my 1st and 4th grader.

They have journals that the kids can keep too. One is a junior version for early writers, perfect for my 1st grader.

My 1st grader is enjoying his Math U See Alpha program. My 4th grader has been joining in on the fun too. I'm considering changing her math, which is currently PACES from ACE ministries, to Math U See as well. The program really teaches the "why" behind the math. Sometime this coming week I will have her take the assessment exam on their website and go from there.

I've also discovered issues with our handwriting. The plan was to let the children trace their laminated sheets to get a feel for writing the letters, whether it was manuscript for brother or cursive for sister. But after watching them I realize they need a more formal program for that too. Both brother and sister are "drawing" their letters more than writing them. I have been really focused on cursive for sister but she needs to practice her manuscript as well. So, I will start a copywork program for her in manuscript.

We are moving into our third week and still haven't quite settled into our groove. The kids seem to be enjoying their home education we just want to tweak it some.